Friday, December 13, 2013

I am not fine

Lately my poetry has consisted of hatred and sadness
Mixed into bloody snow and crystallized tears

White porcelain thrones
And empty stomachs

Why can't I seem to form the words
"I am not fine"

Why do I block you out
Why cant I be vulnerable.

Why can't I say


I've always been good at fighting battles
In my head
Under my bed
On my wrists
In the midst
If crowds and books and memories

And the enemy has always been me
And the other side filled with the past

But the worst battle was the one when I was fighting

"I love you"

Show it

Stand up and scream that I am worth it

Take a risk
And jump
Because that's what I did for you
Every bone in my body told me to run away
But I tumbled down the mountain and found yu

Please. Help me fight this battle
Because I can't do it on my own

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Knots (song)

Let's start at the end of the story
Where everyone loses their minds
And no one wants to red this fairtyale
This  happily ever after failed

You wove yourself into my being
Till I couldn't tell where I ended and you began
I'm starting to get the feeling
I need to cut ties
I need to cut ropes
I need to cut the threads

What is this knot in my chest
Why can't I break it apart word by words
Breath by breath
I'm bleeding out
Holding my heart in my hands
You walk away
And don't look back

How did we end up here
Building walls we promised to leave behind
And I never meant to sink you farther
I'm sorry I'm a dead weight
A heartbreak
A flame that's not a fire

What is this knot in my chest
Why can't I break it apart word by words
Breath by breath
I'm bleeding out
Holding my heart in my hands
You walk away
And don't look back...

You said I love you to the moon and back
But I guess she always was your star 
And I'm floating in the space between your lies and the truth
Holding my breath
Holding my tears
Holding back death

What is this knot in my chest
Why Are there bullet holes in my breast
I'm bleeding out
Holding my heart in my hands
You walk away
And don't look back



stop reminding me
shut the black hole that replaces your mouth
the moving lips
beautiful, angry eyes

stop the demons
i feel them too
i am so empty
what the fuck is this
this isnt poetry this is reality

and i am done


i love you
and hate you
at the same time
and i’m still wondering how that can be

you are not neutral

neutral (adj)

  • neu·tral
  1. taking no sides

fuck your neutrality
you aren’t switzerland
although you are just as cold
i don’t understand your hatred
your loyalty to one person
your hatred

i am not your punching bag
you cannot go from hurting yourself
to hurting me

i am not an object you can go to war with

stop denying
that you aren’t as good as you think you are

you are not neutral

neutral is not calling me a fuckup
attention seeking
shit friend

neutral is not taking your anger out
on a helpless victim

neutral is not you

you are NOT neutral

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I need

i want to create worlds
with my fingerprints on faded keys

i want to read thoughts
through eyes filled with tears

i want to lift weights
off tired shoulders

i want to chase demons
from silent victims

i want to cook
for those who cannot eat

i want to save
those who believe they can’t be saved

i could go on
but i don’t know how long it would take till i said;

i want to love myself.

This is not a sub post

killing me slowly
is your hobby, it seems you’re always
ready for a fight.
sure to tell me i’m wrong and i’m done being
told i’m not good enough for
not good enough, to know you

pretty sure you’re talking about me right now
over and under these burned bridges
ugly lies and even uglier truths were revealed
lnsides were burned like my wrists
on top of everything you just made yourself
so unlikeable, i’m sure someday you’ll regret making people feel alone.


sadly, you’re just fueling her fire
and youre “sass” is just
rude and disrepectful
all of your words are hurtful

mean is how you act
under your scarred skin is a soul as black as the night that surrounds the stars
leave me alone. please.
honestly, you’ve hurt me more then you’ve helped
em? don’t fucking call me em.
real friends can call me em
not you. goodbye

4:01 am

It's a minute past 4
And I've been awake for three minutes
But I've become so full of you
That these words are pouring out of me
Trying to fathom my emotions into meager sentences,
Is impossible
How do I explain
That you were my moon
And we wrapped our love around the equator?
We ran through midnight holding hands
And chased butterflies

So Im done trying

Just like you don't try to stay
I'm trying my hardest to go

Please. Let me