Saturday, February 18, 2012


The rooms dim
And they're staring
But I don't care
It's been 3 months.
The movies playing....
They're laughing.
but me
With my head on your shoulder,
Holding onto your arm, you playing with my other hand...
Foreheads together....
Heaven on earth.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Small things

I'll never forget.
The way you hold my hand
The way you know when I'm sad
The look that tells me your not ok
The way I know everything your thinking
Your fears
Your insecurities
The way you wore purple to everything because you said it reminded you of me/ it looked best on me
The notes we'd pass in between class
The way you wrapped your arms around me
The way you always make me share a seat
The brush of your lips on my hair
The tender way you said you cared
The way you know when I'm really scared
You'd said you always be here for me
Where did always go?
The way we'd bump hands and you'd stroke my fingertips before letting go
The stare that I could feel even In a crowded room
How safe I used to feel sitting next to you
The staring contests we had at lunch
The way you always called me beautiful
Told me to sing for you when you were feeling down
Stuck by me never let me down
Even when you knew he wasn't the one for me
The way I know what color your beautiful eyes are
The way it feels to run my fingers through your hair
The hugs that light me on fire
The sparks that fly through the air


Sunday, February 12, 2012


I push everyone away
Because I can’t trust.
Contrary to what mother tells me, which is not to dismiss people.
But after you burn yourself, you don’t jump back into the burning building,
Unless there’s something of worth.
But if I left it in the first place,
Obviously I don’t care anymore.
And sadly
This world is so twisted. And I never realized.
Till’ I was the one tangled in its lies.


why do i try

Sometimes, I wonder why I bother trying to save him.
He just hurts me.
And I use all my time, all my energy, to keep him alive, and when he’s well enough, he just strikes me down.
He’s fishing.
And I’m not about to fall for the bait.
I’ve learned my lesson.
I’ve swam this small pond so many times,
And fallen for every trick
Too many times
To fall for it again.
I’m swimming
And swimming
Trying to find an exit
That won’t kill him.
Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever find an escape.
Cuz’ pretty soon I’ll just stop trying.



I won’t say I’m sorry.
Because its worth it to learn how to be on my own
And yes
I still miss you
But it’s your choice don’t go back on your word
And I can live with one or the other but you cant decide.
So make up your mind
Make up your mind.


what is love

have you ever learned, that sometimes love isn’t even enough.
Or do you still believe the lie that love fixes everything.
Because I’ve learned the hard way
You can love all you want,
But when you the person you love is so far gone
There comes a point, when it doesn’t matter anymore



The sun disappears when you're gone
And shadows fill my world from the outside in
Come back and remind me
What it's like to dance in a field at sunset
To see stars twinkle and be amazed
To feel proud
To feel happy
To fall in love. To live in a hazy world where the only thing in focus is you.
When Nothing matters but to get through every obstacle in the way of me being with you

You look my way and I remember.
every joyess moment the world has ever seen
And I smile.
You're everything i need
And I mean it this time.
For this moment.

Because I've grown. And when you grow your needs change.
I don't need forever. I don't need perfect. I don't need popular.
I need you because you're perfect enough.

Just you.


the fury of you

The fury of  you
I try to hide
You know that I can’t
There is no escape from you
You’re everywhere I go
Everywhere I look


A ray of sunshine in the dark
Like a lighthouse
Beckoning me
to safety

But there is always a catch.
black to a white
A dark to a light
A bad to a good.

Love you
Hate you
Petals cover my floor
You love me
You love me not.
Will this vicious cycle never stop?

I say no
You don’t believe me
Think you know me
Better then myself.

You engulf me
Like a desert sandstorm
Can’t breathe
 Can’t see
 Can’t hear
Can’t feel
All there is
Is you.


Blue turns grey
Grey turns black
Sunshine fades away
Clouds in their place
And still

There is you

Never leaving
Never fading
Ever present
Pulling me under
That turns to

Will I always have the strength
To fight

Will I always want to?
